"Easy and Useful" is our policy.
【Features】 ・Externally, it seems like a dedicated IC. ・therefore, it can quickly support the discontinuance of the LCD or specificaitons change. ・The image frame buffer appears to be SRAM from Host-CPU, therefore software disign is easy. ・「Direct connection to the Host-CPU with 8bit」and there is a complete, one-to-one correlation between the mapping coordinates of the pixels and addresses as seen from the Customer’s CPU. ・Power supply is a 3.3V single power supply.
The following is an example of Kenic system's LCD controller. ・Data sheet is completed at 40 pages! The very user-friendly controller. 【KS-LETQ-2P】 ・Resolution 320×240 pixels (QVGA) ・Number of Colors/Number of Layers(selectable) 65,000colors/1Layer 64colors/2Layer ・Example List of Compatible LCDs 【DENSITRON】 LMTM035QVGNCA, etc. 【SGD】 GVTQ35SPAD4R0, etc. 【EDT】 ET0350L0DH6 ・Package 144 pin-TQFP *For details, refer to the Kenic system's website, or Please feel free to inquire.
Under Review -
~ 1万円
・Medical device, broadcast equipment, shipping device, measuring instrument、other industrial equipment, etc. ・For manufacturers which need to produce small-quantity lots and continue production for long time.
厳しさを増す今の時代こそ必要とされるのが、私たちが目指してきた本当の意味でのコストパフォーマンスの高い電子部品です。 そのご要求にお応えするために、私たちは液晶周辺技術に対して、柔軟で多角的なご提案をさせていただきたいと常に心がけています。 世の中に貢献できる存在理由のある組織であり続けること。 それが私たちの使命であると確信してします。