A large number of complementary solvers ・FIMMWAVE contains a variety of robust and computationally efficient solvers optimised for such structures. ・FIMMWAVE combines:methods based on semi-analytic techniques, which allow to tackle efficiently problems with strong variations in refractive index, thin layers, etc. ・numerical methods such as finite elements (FEM) or finite differences (FDM), providing robust solutions to arbitrary problems.
FIMMWAVE is a suite of robust and fully vectorial mode solvers for 2D+Z waveguide structures. It supports a large number of complementary algorithms which allows it to solve a large variety of waveguides which may be made of any material and of almost any geometry. FIMMWAVE can also model propagation in 2D and 3D structures thanks to its propagation module FIMMPROP.
Applications ‣ SOI Waveguides‣ Optical Fibres ‣ Photonic Crystal Fibres ‣ Diffused Waveguides‣ ARROW Waveguides ‣ Slot Waveguides‣ Bend Modes ‣ Surface Plasmons‣ Microwave Modes ‣ Thermal Lensing
EigenMode Expansion (EME) A rigorous method for modelling optical propagation Bi-directional simulation of light propagation based on EigenMode Expansion (EME) as implemented in FIMMPROP is an innovative technique which allows you to model a very wide range of structures with a level of accuracy that methods such as FDTD, BPM or FEM cannot attain.
Conslting and Trading for lighting and Optics. CTfloは、光学と照明を融合させた全く新しい製品の開発と市場で要求される製品品質と小ロット多品種に対応させる生産能力を組み合わせた、日本市場に特化したモノづくりと、最先端技術を結集した光学解析ソフト「FRED」を中心とした材料データの測定、試作開発に至る総合的な技術コンサルティングまでをご提案致します。