A unique combination of FDTD and FETD simulators OmniSim is the only software package to include both FDTD and FETD engines. This combination allows you to get the best of both worlds: FDTD for quick approximate simulations and FETD for higher accuracy, or even just to check your FDTD calculations with an alternative method.
OmniSim is a powerful and flexible simulation package for the design and optimisation of nano-photonic and plasmonic devices. It is packed with a complete suite of high-performance 3D and 2D Maxwell solvers, including our FDTD Engine : a state-of-the-art 2D/3D Finite Difference Time Domain engine, probably the most popular propagation algorithm for photonics. FETD Engine : our unique 2D/3D Finite Element Time Domain tool, ideal for modelling plasmonics, metamaterials or graphene-based devices accurately.
Applications ‣ Ring Resonators‣ Plasmonics‣ Metamaterials‣ Graphene ‣ Nonlinear optics‣ Directional Coupler‣ Butterfly MMI ‣ Diffraction Grating‣ Gratings with RCWA‣ Surface Grating Coupler ‣ Nanowire Optimisation‣ CrystalWave applications
FETD Simulation Software with OmniSim Part of our state-of-the-art FDTD and FETD time-domain toolkit. Finite element time domain (FETD) simulations are an alternative to the popular finite difference time domain (FDTD) method. Incorporating innovative proprietary techniques, Photon Design presents an efficient, fully-functional FETD calculation engine, which complements our state-of-the-art FDTD engine for simulations of photonic devices.
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