Thermoset polyimide powder by chemical recycling method
Feature of Polyimide High heat resistance, Excellent mechanical properties, Excellent electrical properties, Low heat expansion, Excellent chemical resistance Polyimide Resin is regarded as the super engineering plastic because of the excellent heat resistance, mechanical properties, chemical resistance and etc.. The film is used widely for flexible print circuit because of the electrical properties, dimensional stability and heat resistance.
Several different types of polyimide are available in the market depending on the chemical structure. Our polyimide is the highest heat resistant type of polyimide because of the most rigid type chemical structure.
Application Examples: *Filler for compounding with materials to improve the properties *Mechanical parts by the hot compression mold *Molded Item *Binder for Grindstone
Typical Application Filler for compounding with PTFE Fluoropolymer
In case of sliding application, non-organic filler such as glass fiber and metal have risk to damage the mating material. Because polyimide is resin, it does not have such risk.
Molded product
For diamond grinders
e.g. 8μ 30μ
Scraps of Polyimide film
pulverized scraps of Polyimide film
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