One-stop HMI solution for CASE vehicles
Achieve high-quality design and compact implementation Stylish & Compact With our powerful CockpitStudio, you can create advanced design for actual vehicles even at the PoC stage. The GlasscoEngine, our runtime graphics engine, allows for optimisations based on hardware characteristics, and a compact implementation using only the interface APIs.
Fast Iteration Cycle Automate complex workflows so that designers can focus on creative tasks. - Integration with Photoshop - Auto Material Extraction - Real-time Preview - State-of-the-art solution Support for 2D Chips As the GlasscoEngine is responsible for all graphics display and control, the application itself stays compact and only needs to interface with the vehicle’s data. Programming is not required for minor design changes, which improves the reusability of the HMI.
Case studies 2-wheeled vehicle instrument clusters 4-wheeled vehicle instrument clusters Safety & Compliance ISO26262 compliance Automotive SPICE compliance
Stylish & Compact With our powerful CockpitStudio, you can create advanced design for actual vehicles even at the PoC stage. The GlasscoEngine, our runtime graphics engine, allows for optimisations based on hardware characteristics, and a compact implementation using only the interface APIs.
当社では、ゲームなどのエンターテインメントをメインフィールドとして、組込み分野他、多方面に各種ミドルウェア&ツール群の開発・販売およびサポートをワールドワイドに行っております。 「目と耳にうれしい技術」をキーワードに、動画および音声の圧縮・ 再生技術、マルチストリーミング技術、グラフィック技術を長年にわたり研究開発ならびに製品化を行ってまいりました。 その技術ならびに製品をもとに、お客様に合わせた最適なソリューションを提供してまいります。くわしくは、(問い合わせフォームから)お問い合わせください。