- 分類:圧電デバイス
46~90 件を表示 / 全 151 件
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- 圧電デバイス
- 発音部品
- 発振子

Same Sky、ブザー製品のラインナップ拡大
Same Skyでは駆動回路を内蔵したブザー(インジケーター)と非内蔵のブザー(トランスデューサー)を用意しており、それぞれにコストパフォーマンスに優れた新製品が登場です。インジケーターではΦ9 x 5.5mm、Φ12 x 7.5mm、Φ12 x 9.5mmのピンタイプ、トランスデューサーでは5 x 5 x 2mm~12 x 12 x 3mmのSMTタイプが追加されております。 駆動方式: 磁気、ピエゾ 定格電圧: 3V, 3.6V, 5V, 12V, 24V 音圧: 75dB~85dB 定格周波数: 2kHz~4kHz 実装タイプ: スルーホール、SMT 製品紹介ページ >> https://samesky.co.jp/SS-Products-Buzzer.html
ヘッドランプやインテリジェント照明、モバイルプロジェクタやARグラス等に適した圧電方式 を採用したMEMSミラー
- 圧電デバイス
- 発振子
- 圧電デバイス
- その他電子部品
- 圧電デバイス
- 超音波発振器
- センサ
P35ピエゾデフレクター、43mrad偏向トラベルPiezo Steering Mirror with 43mrad tilt
- 圧電デバイス

Application of Piezo Technology in Interferometry
Interferometry technology is a measurement technology based on the principle of light wave interference. In the field of modern precision measurement, many measurement tasks are achieved by interference. For the solution of many measurement problems, optical interferometry is currently the only feasible method. Compared with the general optical imaging measurement technology, interferometry has the characteristics of large range, high sensitivity and high precision.
最大260umの移動、最大50000Nの遮断力を備えたピエゾアクチュエータpiezo actuator,260um,50000N
- 圧電デバイス

Application of Piezo Technology in Interferometry
Interferometry technology is a measurement technology based on the principle of light wave interference. In the field of modern precision measurement, many measurement tasks are achieved by interference. For the solution of many measurement problems, optical interferometry is currently the only feasible method. Compared with the general optical imaging measurement technology, interferometry has the characteristics of large range, high sensitivity and high precision.
低電圧または高電圧駆動のピエゾスタック、正方形、リング、灰色、緑色、黒色など piezo stack
- 圧電デバイス

Application of Piezo Technology in Interferometry
Interferometry technology is a measurement technology based on the principle of light wave interference. In the field of modern precision measurement, many measurement tasks are achieved by interference. For the solution of many measurement problems, optical interferometry is currently the only feasible method. Compared with the general optical imaging measurement technology, interferometry has the characteristics of large range, high sensitivity and high precision.
250μm行程 X向运动 电压信号驱动 250μm travel in X, controlled by voltage
- 圧電デバイス

Application of Piezo Technology in Interferometry
Interferometry technology is a measurement technology based on the principle of light wave interference. In the field of modern precision measurement, many measurement tasks are achieved by interference. For the solution of many measurement problems, optical interferometry is currently the only feasible method. Compared with the general optical imaging measurement technology, interferometry has the characteristics of large range, high sensitivity and high precision.