Spray system without angel hair
Spray system without angel hair and nozzle clogging
Spray technique that does not angel hair and nozzle clogging.
We developed a technology that can spray paint and adhesive etc. without angel hairs. We have already applied for overseas patents and have already been put to practical use for painting, and we will proceed to develop conformal coating such as moisture proof and insulation on the mounting board in the future.The construction method developed this time provides a spray coating system and a method which are hard to cause so-called angel hair and nozzle clogging even with a high viscosity liquid material.
When applying acrylic or rubber based paints, adhesives and functional materials with a spray gun, the high viscosity coating solution does not atomize but leaves it from the spray gun in a form. We generally call this a "thread of creaking phenomenon" (Generation of Angel Hair).Especially when a high molecular weight material is used as a solvent type adhesive material at high concentration, the coating solution coming out from the nozzle at the tip of the spray gun becomes a spider web with no mist.
Please contact to Shimada Appli G.K.
※Please contact to Shimada Appli G.K.
Example 1 When applying Elepcoat (model LSS 540 MHF) manufactured by Nitto Shinko Corp. which is a solvent-containing moisture proof insulating material, angel hair occurs unless weight ratio is 1: 1 in order to counteract angel hair with air spray or airless spray. Example 2 An acrylic urethane paint which is liable to be clogged unless the viscosity is 80 CPS or less is used for painting which is not clogged with a viscosity of 200 CPS or more and is touched and dried within 1 min after painting.
絶え間なく変化する産業技術、先導するニーズに応じた、最適塗布乾燥システム方案を提供する開発集団として、2011年さいたま市よりShimada Appli合同会社は起業しました。40余年にわたる塗布乾燥技術の知識経験を基に、次世代向けの表面処理技術を探求すべく、Shimada Appli合同会社を発足しました。”トータル・ソリューション“を会社の基本理念として、“真のテクノロジーとソリューション”をお客様にお届けするために、お客様へ高付加価値と、省資源省力化に寄与する新しい物づくり、システムのご提案を進めてまいります。