Selective conformal coating for VOC. (Patent acquisition)
We developed that the coating valve improved in FS type micro spray gun of our company enabled selective coating to have fine edge definition with a thin film less than 50 microns in high density materials. This is suitable for the field of conformal coating industry of coating solvent less or water-based materials of the VOC type having high solid content with high viscosity. (Patent acquisition)
The spray-type liquid discharge valve can make tornado style flow with the directive by special extension adapter and the nozzle which has an extra-fine narrow. The coating valve which we named FSCC06 gun can have fine edge definition with a thin film.(Patent pending) The use of this coating valve and system can get not only environmental improvement, product quality up and the productivity improvement but also the economic effect of a large cost cut of more than 50% in conformal coating industry.
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50万円 ~ 100万円
~ 1ヶ月
The industries which handle conformal coating are for not only electrical components production of PCBA for heavy electric and appliances but also PCBA manufacturing for vehicles. This valve which we developed sets in coating workcell and we will display it at the exhibition of this year and sell it to PCBA market positively. If there are some question, please contact from this web site.
pattern width 1.5mm Line coating of the 2mm width is possible
絶え間なく変化する産業技術、先導するニーズに応じた、最適塗布乾燥システム方案を提供する開発集団として、2011年さいたま市よりShimada Appli合同会社は起業しました。40余年にわたる塗布乾燥技術の知識経験を基に、次世代向けの表面処理技術を探求すべく、Shimada Appli合同会社を発足しました。”トータル・ソリューション“を会社の基本理念として、“真のテクノロジーとソリューション”をお客様にお届けするために、お客様へ高付加価値と、省資源省力化に寄与する新しい物づくり、システムのご提案を進めてまいります。