nRF51822 BT 2.4GHz dual-mode
Nordic nRF51822
size: 18*11 mm
Nordic nRF51822 Bluetooth 2.4GHz inside dual-mode module size: 18*11 mm Bluetooth low energy and 2.4GHz proprietary multiprotocol Soc
Please visit Nordic website below for more information
APPLICATIONS Mobile phone accessories Wearables Beacons Rezence wireless charging monitoring PC peripherals Consumer Electronics (CE) remote controls Proximity/Alert sensors Smart Home Sports, fitness and healthcare sensors Smart RF tags Toys and electronic games Intelligent domestic appliances Industrial and commercial sensors Lighting
Gwell Technology Co., Ltd founded in 2007 by a group of professional team of sales experience and strong R&D with expertise in wireless applications. We focus on technology research and development of integrated solutions to many kinds of solutions, ICs and modules, so as to provide customers the fastest and most effective service included software /firmware and hardware design.